Menu for July 10th – 16th


It’s a lovely week ahead. 🙂
Cool(er) temperatures, plus a delightfully NOT busy week.
Our family is going to be making some big changes soon, and we greatly desire your prayers as we begin this process.

But now, on to the menu!

breakfast: Ms. Charmaine’s zucchini bread, raw vanilla milkshakes
lunch out
dinner: beef meatballs, corn on the cob, grilled zucchini

breakfast: French toast, peaches, whipped cream
lunch: hamburgers, sprout salad
dinner: baked potatoes, okra, salad

breakfast: fried potatoes, poached eggs
lunch: eggplant & tomato curry, brown rice
dinner: roasted sausages, egg noodles, green beans

breakfast: soaked granola w/dried fruit & nuts, raw cream
lunch: noodle bake, carrots
dinner: roast chicken w/herbs & onions, brown rice, salad

breakfast: fried rice w/egg & vegetables
lunch: chicken salad sandwiches, lacto-ferm. pickles
dinner: crockpot ratatouille, french bread, salad

breakfast: omelets w/l.o. ratatouille & cheese
lunch: corn on the cob, hard boiled eggs
dinner: corn chowder, cheddar biscuits, salad

breakfast: crockpot porridge, peaches & berries, raw cream
lunch: tamale pie, salad
dinner: popcorn, fruit salad

Be sure to join Laura for more than 300 new menu plans each week!

2 thoughts on “Menu for July 10th – 16th

  1. Your menu looks great, Meg. I found you from the Menu Plan Monday meme. I joined your email list. 🙂 Thanks for some great ideas!

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