Hidden Pathways to Healing Product List

Hidden Pathways to Healing


All herbs are either organic, wild-crafted, or ethically gathered.

Herbal Blends

Growing Mama : prenatal nourishment

Hang In There, Baby! : miscarriage preventative

After Dinner Delight : soothing digestive aid

My Dear Aunt Flo : menstrual relief

Chamomile Calme: gentle relaxation

Evening Blessings : sleep aid

Pain in the Patoot : premenstrual pain relief

Love Me Tender : sore muscle pain relief

Get Moving : constipation relief

Free and Clear : gentle detoxification

Spicy Greens : green nutritive herbs and spices

(other blends are available seasonally, please check back later!)

All herbal blends are $4.00 per ounce.
Tinctures are $12 per ounce, and are distilled in organic brandy.

Free shipping is available on orders totaling $24 or more, domestic orders only.

Other products available

Adult Herbal Cough Syrup
Children’s Cough Syrup

Cold Kicker Elixir : a potent remedy for cold/flu relief

Sore Soother : soaking blend for pain relief in tender areas, also available as premade compresses

Love Me Tender balm : same formula as the tea, but with added soothing benefits of a salve

Awakening scrub : energizing bath scrub

Winter Warmer : warming, cleansing bath scrub, perfect for cold wintry days

Lazy River : soothing bath salt blend to carry your worries away

Please feel free to contact me with any questions or information on pricing. Please allow 2-3 days for a reply. Thank you!


There are fantastic certified herbalists out there – I am not one of them. Please take the advice of your doctor, or health practitioner into account before using ANY of these preparations.

7 thoughts on “Hidden Pathways to Healing Product List

  1. Meg, I would like to order Growing Mama for my daughter -in-law who is due in Jan. She had a fall yesterday and was checked out by her Dr. she is fine, but I know your herbal blend will help. She is also having problems sleeping. Wakes up then can’t get back to sleep. What else do you recommend for this expanding, productive, creative time a pregnant mama is going through?
    Thank you, Debbie Shaw of YLP

    • Hi Debbie –
      I’m happy to put that together for her. Again, I’m not a licensed herbalist, so make sure she knows to check with her midwife/naturopathic physician before using any herbal remedy. I would recommend using the Chamomile Calme for sleep issues. I have a stronger blend that might work better, but it’s not recommended for use during pregnancy (I’ve used it, but only late in the pregnancy). If there is any risk of a premature labor, I would highly recommend using the Hang in There, Baby blend instead. It has many of the nutritive herbs as the Growing Mama blend, but includes several herbs to decrease preterm labor issues. If you would like me to ship it to you, or directly to her, please email me with the mailing information. Thanks!


  2. Meg, I would like to order…2 oz. Growing Mama
    2 oz. Chamomile Calm
    2 oz. Love Me Tender Tea

    Let me know how my payment works. Could you please enclose your business and web site card so she can see all of your creative nourishing service you do for family and community.
    Oh, and a message:
    “Somer…We love you. Take time for yourself and Heavenly Baby, enjoy some homegrown tea.” xxxooo Deb and Jon.
    Thank you Meg!

    • Hi Anne –
      Of course. Custom blends are $5-$8 per ounce, depending on the herbs used. This does not include shipping.

      I’ll send you an email with more particulars. Thanks! 🙂

  3. Meg, Somer received her teas and has been enjoying the blends. She said the wrapping was very nice too. Thank you!
    I can mail you a check if you send me a bill. The total was $24.00. Is there any tax? Deb Shaw
    41788 Long Hollow Dr. Coarsegold, Ca 93614 658-7356

  4. Pingback: Gardening with Herbs 101: What to Grow - Keeper of the Home

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