Sticky Popcorn Balls

{I’ve had a couple of requests for this recipe, and since the boys are outside playing nicely, I thought I’d write it up.}

What, you say, is a popcorn ball recipe doing here??

Easy: it contains practically no sugar, and the sugar it does contain has a really low glycemic index, so the sugar enters the bloodstream much more slowly than other sugars (honey & maple syrup included).

Sticky Popcorn Balls
– 1 T (or, ahem, more) coconut oil
– 1/4 c. organic popping corn (we use organic, to avoid those pesky GMO’s)
1/2 c. brown rice syrup (although maple syrup or honey can be used…just use LESS!)
1/3 c. smooth or crunchy nut butter (we use our homemade peanut butter, made with crispy peanuts & coconut oil)
1/4 t. sea salt

– In a large pot, combine the oil and popping corn.  Cook covered over medium heat for 5-7 minutes, until the corn begins to pop.  Using pot holders, lift the pot about 2 inches above the flame, and shake the pan to prevent burning. [Or, you can do as I do, and buy a stainless steel stovetop popcorn popper, and use that instead. 🙂 )  Continue cooking til all the corn is popped (about 1-2 minutes).  Transfer to a large mixing bowl, and set aside.

– In a small saucepan, bring the rice syrup and nut butter to a rolling boil over med-high heat.  Stir constantly for 30 seconds.  Remove from heat, add salt, and stir til blended.  Pour the mixture over the popcorn in the bowl and stir together (WITH A SPOON… IT’S HOT!) until well combined.

– With your hands (AFTER IT HAS COOLED A BIT!), shape the popcorn mixture into balls (grease your hands with butter to make this easier), and set onto unbleached parchment paper until completely cool.

– Enjoy!

– we make peanut butter and jelly balls by replacing the brown rice syrup with our homemade berry syrup, and then rolling in crushed crispy peanuts.
– the boys also get a kick out of the “blue popcorn balls”.  we use the blue kernel corn, and add dried blueberries to the popcorn mixture.
– as a special treat, we’ll also mix in some carob (or dark chocolate) chips… this gets really messy, but it ends up tasting very similar to Moose Munch. 🙂

3 thoughts on “Sticky Popcorn Balls

  1. Pingback: Menu for May 2nd – 8th « Cracking an Egg with One Hand

  2. These sound great! I think I’ll give them a try next week – I have a total sweet tooth, and I’m always looking for something to munch on that isn’t going to totally be ruinous to my health! 🙂 Thanks!

  3. Pingback: Real Food Holiday Recipe Roundup: 398 Wholesome Recipes - Keeper of the Home

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